About Us
About Us
We Are an Engineering Company that Work in all World
FC Solutions is an indipendent engineering company specialized in Design, Simulations and Prototyping in many sectors. Our staff have many years of experience in each sectors.
Our force is to mach the experience of senior engineers with the abilities of young engineer supporting the activity with 3D design, CFD and FEA simulations.
FC Solutions are able to support your project with Smart activity, and different level of accurancy. Our flexibility consent to us to work with different size of company.
Skilled Staffs
Many of our collaborators had experience in big company Automotive (Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Ducati), Aerospace (Piaggio Aerospace, Safran), Defence and Energy.
Experience and Know How
FC solutions consider very important the experience and a creative mind of our collaborators. We use these to support your projects and achieve the goals
FC Solutions help you to keep the project on track with our leadership and project management supports.

Eng.Franco Cecamore, Chief Executive Officer of FC Solutions
The company was founded by Eng. Franco Cecamore after years of experience in R&D department of Maserati and racing engine. With his enthusiasm for motor sports and devotion to engine design and development, he founded an international company that works on engine for aerplane, boat and automotive.
FC Solutions
FC SOLUTIONS engineers, cover a wide range of services. We support the entire design stage, with all simulations necessary to achieve the best solution.
Mon – Fry 8:00 – 17:30,
Sunday – CLOSED
Via Colle Innamorati, 275
Pescara cap 65125 ITALY - (+39) 329 061 0426
- info@fcsengineering.it